The Emperor declined, prompting the Aldmeri agent to reveal a cart filled with Blades' heads and sparking the Great War. The Aldmeri Dominion sent an agent to Emperor Titus Mede II, who gave the ruler numerous demands, including the disbanding of the Blades, outlawing the worship of Talos, and ceding portions of Hammerfell to the Dominion. The Empire was severely weakened from the glory ages of the Septim line, suffering economically and militarily. The White-Gold Concordat resulted from the Great War, a five-year-long conflict between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Tamrielic Empire. Still, Bethesda is likely to continue placing importance on the White-Gold Concordat and the outcome of the Great War for worldbuilding purposes. Unfortunately, little information has been revealed about The Elder Scrolls 6.

Their conflict was inevitable, and its outcome heavily impacted Skyrim society. Tamriel's power structure has shifted throughout the centuries, with the Empire and Aldmeri Dominion becoming dominant powers. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's White-Gold Concordat was a source of great conflict in-game and could have dire implications for The Elder Scrolls 6, depending on the setting.